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Golden Crown Haifa

Golden Crown Haifa Templers


Golden Crown Nazareth

Golden Crown Nazareth Old City

The Blend

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Hotels in Nazareth
Hotels in Haifa
golden crown

Golden Crown: Horels chain in northern Israel

Golden Crown Hotel chain – hotels in the north on a different level: Come for a vacation at hotels in Nazareth and Haifa – enjoy the special culture, the intoxicating atmosphere, and be pampered by the special facilities.


Hotels for conferences, events and travelers

The Golden Crown Hotel chain's conference center offers modern and well-equipped halls for holding congresses, networking meetings, high-tech conferences, business events, lectures, seminars, and more, in Nazareth or Haifa.

Nazareth and Haifa are considered excellent starting points for a variety of excursions & attractions in the valley and the western Galilee. There are countless hiking and biking trails and an abundance of sights and attractions.